Challenge Update

Week 25

Total To Date

Swimming0kmSwimming52.8 / 150km
Cyling0kmCyling997 / 2013km
Running0kmRunning136 / 250km

Week 24

Total To Date

Swimming4.71kmSwimming52.8 / 150km
Cyling48kmCyling997 / 2013km
Running2kmRunning136 / 250km

Still concentrating on the swimming again this week, though with it being my last week at my current job, everything has taken a bit of a hit.

Week 23

Total To Date

Swimming5.04kmSwimming48.09 / 150km
Cyling92kmCyling949 / 2013km
Running3kmRunning134 / 250km

Some serious concentration on swimming needed for the next couple of weeks before the next event - The Great North Swim. Still managed to put the miles in on the bike, but the running has suffered a bit.

Week 22

Total To Date

Swimming1kmSwimming43.05 / 150km
Cyling0kmCyling857 / 2013km
Running9kmRunning131 / 250km

Week 21

Total To Date

Swimming0kmSwimming42.05 / 150km
Cyling18kmCyling857 / 2013km
Running6kmRunning122 / 250km

Week 20

Total To Date

Swimming2.92kmSwimming42.05 / 150km
Cyling32kmCyling839 / 2013km
Running2kmRunning116 / 250km

Week 19

Total To Date

Swimming2.02kmSwimming39.13 / 150km
Cyling64kmCyling807 / 2013km
Running34kmRunning114 / 250km

Week 18

Total To Date

Swimming1kmSwimming37.11 / 150km
Cyling244kmCyling743 / 2013km
Running10kmRunning80 / 250km

Week 17

Total To Date

Swimming3.75kmSwimming36.11 / 150km
Cyling68.5kmCyling499 / 2013km
Running6kmRunning70 / 250km

Week 16

Total To Date

Swimming3.05kmSwimming32.36 / 150km
Cyling64kmCyling430.5 / 2013km
Running8.5kmRunning64 / 250km

Week 15

Total To Date

Swimming3.2kmSwimming29.31 / 150km
Cyling47.5kmCyling366.5 / 2013km
Running10kmRunning55.5 / 250km

Another all round good week, can only get better from here.

Week 14

Total To Date

Swimming4kmSwimming26.11 / 150km
Cyling10kmCyling319 / 2013km
Running11.5kmRunning45.5 / 250km

Much more like it this week, smashed the weekly running and beat the weekly swimming target, but been hindered on the cycling front by the flat tyre mentioned previously - still got down to the gym to put in some miles, but now it's fixed I'm hoping to make up the loss next week.

Week 13

Total To Date

Swimming1.32kmSwimming22.11 / 150km
Cyling0kmCyling309 / 2013km
Running0kmRunning37 / 250km

Bad week this week, and not even any excuse for it... Well I'm claiming jet-lag but laziness comes closer. Right back on it next week, though have come back to another bike puncture that needs to be fixed first!

Week 12

Total To Date

Swimming1.5kmSwimming21.84 / 150km
Cyling0kmCyling309 / 2013km
Running3kmRunning37 / 250km

Still on holiday, still finding it tough to find the time. 

Week 11

Total To Date

Swimming1.5kmSwimming20.34 / 150km
Cyling0kmCyling309 / 2013km
Running5.5kmRunning34 / 250km

Tough week this week being on holiday, it's been hard to find the time to do anything other than theme parks!

Week 10

Total To Date

Swimming2.55kmSwimming18.84 / 150km
Cyling45kmCyling309 / 2013km
Running6kmRunning28.5 / 250km

All round not bad, really need to step up the running as the half marathon rapidly approaches.

Week 9

Total To Date

Swimming3.30kmSwimming16.29 / 150km
Cyling78kmCyling264 / 2013km
Running0kmRunning22.5 / 250km

Made up for the poor work on cycling and somewhat towards swimming, but managed to counteract that good work by failing to get out running. 

Week 8

Total To Date

12.99 / 150km
186 / 2013km
22.5 / 250km

Only did the amount necessary to hit my target in the running this week, not good. Still hoping it is going to properly warm up soon so I can really get into it.

Week 7

Total To Date

10.89 / 150km
150 / 2013km
16.5 / 250km

A bit lax this week, especially on the running front again, however nothing that I shouldn't be able to make up though.

Week 6

Total To Date

8.79 / 150km
105 / 2013km
16.5 / 250km

Getting struck down with a flat tyre twice hasn't even slowed me too much this week. Slightly weak on the running but as Meatloaf would say - 2 out of 3 ain't bad.

Week 5

Total To Date

5.72 / 150km
32.5 / 2013km
12 / 250km

Finally out of the starting blocks on the cycling, though still a very mediocre effort - definitely going to have to step it up to overcome the January deficit. Only with the running have I managed that this week - running away from Zombies is hard work! Feeling stronger in the pool, but it's still a slog.

Week 4

Total To Date

Swimming3.10kmSwimming3.10 / 150km
Cyling0kmCyling0 / 2013km
Running5kmRunning5 / 250km

Bad week for cycling this week with the snow sticking about, even towards the end of the week by the time it had all but gone it had sapped my desire to get out on my bike. A good effort in the pool and in the running though.

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